PhD Equine Nutrition Project

Browsing – An overlooked aspect in horse management?
Throughout my Animal Management & Science degrees I have been involved in a number of animal nutrition studies- but I had a particular passion for equine nutrition! My last research project was for my Master Degree, which I conducted at the Massey University in New Zealand from 2005 to 2006. I studied the effect of abrupt dietary changes from pasture to confinement and concentrate feeding and vice versa on the faecal pH and microbiology of Thoroughbred horses. In 2006 I travel to Australia to present this work at the Australian Equine Science Symposium – which was a great opportunity to meet other new and renowned equine science and nutrition researchers. Since then I have been interested in continuing my research work in equine nutrition, but it has been very difficult to get something started (in Netherlands, Australia or New Zealand) – as equine nutrition is a topic that doesn’t generally get a lot of priority (it depends also on the topic within equine nutrition). Doing research with horses is also very expensive and there are not a lot of horse industry bodies with enough research funding – so I was not able to continue right away! However, being practically involved with the horse industry for the last 6 years has been a great experience and actually gave me more motivation to research a topic that can be applied to today’s horse management needs and that can improve the welfare of horses.
So in February of this year – I was able to finally start my PhD project on Equine Nutrition. The primary focus of the study is on forage enrichment for domesticated horses in Australia. I am particular interested in browsing behaviour and alternative forages. Although I am not able to give all the results during my research – I would like to keep our clients, readers and horse owners up to date with the progress and research events. On our MB Equine Services website I will regularly post some news about all the things that happen in the research field. So keep checking our website and facebook page or subscribe to our RSS feed!
We have published some educational articles in horse magazines that relate to this research topic. So if you would like to read those – visit our article database page.
Come back to read our next research update!
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